Promoting and Marketing a New release


Price: $1.00

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Course description

Course contents

Does the music publishing process feel complicated and daunting? Do terms like aggregator, ISRC code and catalogue number sound like a cryptic jumble of words? How is best to generate attention for your new release? Would you like to learn how to promote your music like a professional?

Apply for the ’Promoting and Marketing a New Release’ course! The training will cover the technical steps involved in promoting a self-published recording and basic information on copyrights related to the recording, as well as creating a visual identity for the publication. In addition, you will learn what promotion and marketing of a recording typically involves. This will be illustrated in practice by implementing a promotion and marketing plan for new releases during the course.


The course aims to provide the participants with an understanding of the steps involved in the music publishing process, of the kind of written and visual material that should be created to accompany the new release, and a variety of ways in which to market it.

Course delivery

You can apply for the course as an active or a passive participant. Active students will have their music published during the course and will create and implement a promotion plan under the guidance of a music professional. The progress of the publishing process will be monitored during the course, and participants will receive feedback from the instructor. In the pilot phase, a maximum of 3 active students will be enrolled.

The passive participants attend the lectures along with the active participants and help them promote their releases. The course will provide passive students with an insight into the practical process of music publishing and promotion. Thus, the course will not only serve artists interested in music publishing, but also those working in or interested in music marketing.

The course comprises self-study video materials divided into three sections according to the instructors and the topics covered, and one face-to-face meeting in Seinäjoki, as well as scheduled Zoom sessions where students have the opportunity to interact directly with the instructors. Learning materials will be published directly onto the Rhythm Academy’s online platform.

The course is free of charge in the pilot phase and is primarily aimed at people living in Southern Ostrobothnia. As this course is a part of a project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), participants are required to fill in monitoring information and feedback forms related to ESF projects.

How to apply

Both active and passive students can apply for the course via the link below. All students will have access to the pre-recorded course materials, interactive Zoom meetings and the face-to-face contact meeting.

If you are applying as an active student, you/your band should have a mastered track or tracks ready for publication. A link to the track/s must be included in the application. The active students are responsible for delivering the track/s to the distributor and for covering the related costs. Please note that the finished master of the track and the cover art for the release must be submitted to the distributor at least three weeks before the release date.

The passive students will be able to view the pre-recorded course materials and follow the publication process of the active students. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to the publishing and promotion of the tracks based on the work assignment plan agreed upon during the course.

Apply for the course by registering on the platform and submitting your application.

Selection criteria

During the application phase, particular attention is paid to the motivation of applicants and, in the case of active students, the quality and potential of the material to be published. Applicants will be informed personally of their admission and sent further instructions on how to proceed.


Interaktiiviset koulutuskerrat 

to 6.10. klo 17-19 (Rytmi-instituutin toimisto) Ryhmäytyminen
to 13.10. klo 17-19 (Zoom) Tehtävänanto ja työnjako
to 27.10. klo 17-19 (Zoom) Tiedote ja promocheck
to 24.11. klo 17-19 (Zoom) Purku/palautesessio

Heta Hyttinen

Manager, PR professional

The Industry Awards Manager of Year winner Heta Hyttinen is a seasoned music industry professional and CEO of the PR and management company Ginger Vine Management, which represents a number of top bands and artists, including Apocalyptica, Within Temptation and Five Finger Death Punch.